PLW/SiteBuilder is our custom-designed web-database driven web site creation engine written in ColdFusionTM. Unlike static web page authoring tools, PLW/SiteBuilder draws on a combination of database and static content and internal logic to build web pages that search engines can find.
If your web site is stuck somewhere around 1996 because it is just too hard to change, we can make it a lot easier to do the things you want to do.
When we first created this tool, it generated a page at a time. Now, with a click of a button, it generates a whole site at a time. Yes, you can have the best of both worlds: dynamic and powerful site scripting and full search engine accessibility!
Better web site architecture is the key to your site's effectiveness as content and complexity expand.
Take your site to the PLW/SiteBuilder level. Find out we can change the way your site works.
Call for a free initial consultation.