- We were building large-scale working legal webs before there was a Web or the word intranet. There aren't many law-related organizations that can say that.
- We were managing knowledge in new ways when the "KM" folks didn't exist.
- We do not tell you that managing knowledge is easy. We do tell you it is critically important to your organization's future.
- We have an integrated, barrier-free approach: we understand law firms, the legal culture, client expectations, web and database technologies, and knowledge management. We read and follow developments across a wide spectrum of professional and technological publications and electronic discussion groups.
- We build our own tools and solutions.
- Our PLW/SiteBuilderTM web site publishing techniques, based on industry-leading ColdFusion™ from Allaire Corporation, combine dynamic database-generated content and full exposure to search engines.
- Our LawMooseTM Agent web spidering solution extracts links from dynamic web sites as well as conventional static sites.
- Our LawMooseTM search engine solution contains premium features most other search engines lack and can easily be adapted to community-scale search on any subject.
- Our TimeandClientsTM web-based time and billing solution makes keeping time easier than ever.
- Our intranet concepts and techniques come from our own continuing research on expert support system environments and dynamic document generation.
- We practice what we preach. We depend on our prototype expert support system environment for virtually everything we do. It functions as our extended memory and our work space.
- We consult on strategic technology planning, web site architecture, extranets, database-driven electronic client communications strategies, web marketing, general knowledge management and litigation knowledge management.
- Our web site usability and search engine visibility consulting is based on our own experience as web publishers and, most importantly, an understanding of search engine spidering technology of the sort that comes only from experience deploying an independent search engine.
- We publish information about law and lawyers, including:
- LawMoose!SM, our new Minnesota legal search engine and portal provides social infrastructure that enables us to create a navigable, defined "Minnesota Legal Web" and act as its entry point. LawMoose has been named the "Best Minnesota Legal Website."
- the Internet Law Library at Pritchard Law Webs (formerly the U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library), a global law portal, http://www.priweb.com/internetlawlib/.
- the Directory of Minnesota Law Firms on the Web, http://www.priweb.com/mnlawfirms.htm (375 Minnesota law firms/4000+ Minnesota lawyers) and the Directory of Minnesota Courts on the Web, http://www.priweb.com/mncourts.htm
- Other original content otherwise unduplicated on the Web.
- Priweb.com occupies a unique niche as an independent source for information and views about how the Web Era is changing law practice and how lawyers and clients can benefit from the fundamental changes taking place in communications and knowledge management.
- Pritchard Law Webs founder LaVern A. Pritchard has authored several articles about lawyers and the Internet, is a regular speaker on lawyers and the Internet, and is regularly quoted by the press about lawyers and the Internet.
For Further Information, Please Contact:
- LaVern A. Pritchard, Pritchard Law Webs, Web Solutions for Lawyers and Clients, 1350 Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, Tel: (612) 332-0102, Fax: (612) 332-3225, E-Mail: moreinfo@priweb.com, Web: http://www.priweb.com.
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Pritchard Law Webs, 2100 Foshay Tower, 821 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. Tel: (612) 332-0102, Fax: (612) 332-3225.
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